Trade Appraisal - Wheel Loader Step 1 of 13 7% Appraisal Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Your Email(Required) Sales Rep(Required)Customer Name(Required)Sales Rep - Your Region(Required)Northern RegionsSouthern RegionsSerial Number(Required)Year of Machine(Required)Make(Required)Model(Required)AttachmentsHours Body ConditionCounterweightSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadPaintworkSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadFuel TankSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadEngine CoversSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadHydraulic TankSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadHas a Bucket?Select Yes or NoYesNoComments Bucket ConditionCounterweightSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadCutting Edge ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadFloor ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadTeeth ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadSides ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Boom ConditionBoom/Bucket CylinderSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadBucket Pin & BushSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadBoom Main Pin & BushSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRepairs to Boom?Select your choice of qualityYesNoBoom Cylinder Pin & BushSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRepairs to Dipper?Select your choice of qualityYesNoZ-Bar Pin & BushSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Steering ConditionOil Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoCyclinder Pins & BushesSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadHydraulic CylindersSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadArticulation JointSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRear TrunnionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Brake ConditionPark Brake Holds Incline?Select Yes or NoYesNoService Brake Holds Incline?Select Yes or NoYesNoService Brake Acceptable Time to Stop?Select Yes or NoYesNoComments Transmission ConditionGears Engage Smoothly?Select Yes or NoYesNoTorque Conv Slip?Select Yes or NoYesNoClutch Slip?Select Yes or NoYesNoUnusual Noises?Select Yes or NoYesNoTransmission Temp (°C)Torque Temp (°C)Oil Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoComments Tyre ConditionFront Left TyreSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadFront Right TyreSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRear Left TyreSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRear Right TyreSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Hydraulic ConditionOil Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoUnusual Noises?Select Yes or NoYesNoHydraulic Line & HoseSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Drive Train ConditionOil Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoUnusual Noises?Select Yes or NoYesNoDiff/Tandem DrivesSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Engine ConditionCold Start Difficulty?Select Yes or NoYesNoGasket Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoUnusual Noises?Select Yes or NoYesNoExhaust Smoke ColourSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadFaulty Gauges?Select Yes or NoYesNoBattery ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadOil Leaks?Select Yes or NoYesNoRadiator ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadRadiator WaterSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadStart Pinion/Ring GearSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadWater CirculationSelect Yes or NoYesNoElectrical WiringSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadComments Cabin ConditionCabin ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadWipers Operating?Select Yes or NoYesNoCabin ControlsSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadAC/Heater Operating?Select Yes or NoYesNoUpholsterySelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadWindows Cracked?Select Yes or NoYesNoLights Operating?Select Yes or NoYesNoComments SummaryTrading AgainstSales Rep ExpectationCustomer ExpectationLast ServiceOverall AppearanceSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadOverall ConditionSelect your choice of qualityExcellentGoodFairBadPrevious RepairsCommentsUpload ImagesSelect and upload images of the machine here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Select and upload images of the bucket here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Select and upload images of the tyres here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Select and upload any images of components in poor condition here (if any). Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.